10 Gurbani Apps for your phone

Gurbani, which signifies the Guru’s word — A Song message – as contained in Guru Granth Sahib, is Sikhism’s holy literature. The Guru in Sikhism refers to ‘The Word,’ not the actual form. The bani was unveiled by God through the Guru, and it would eventually take one to its source. The Guru is the bani, and the bani is the Guru. The status of Guru cannot be conferred on someone who elaborates or explains the bani. He is merely a messenger or a teacher. Sikhs reject any compositions that are not those of the Gurus or those that have been approved by them.

Gurbani is a panacea for all human afflictions and sins. It is up to the individual to determine whatever the hymn or Salok resonates with him and is relevant to his spiritual needs. If the Guru’s chants bring him solace, he should know that meditation is his inner peace. If you want to hear Gurbani too for spiritual awakening but you don’t remember nay then you can listen to them through your smartphone. Ascertain Gurbani apps persists in various Gurbani’s.

Here are 10 Gurbani apps for your phone:

Sikh World

Sikh World

Sikh World – Nitnem & Gurbani app is one of the greatest apps for listening to Gurbani radio stations online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Listen to live Kirtan, Katha, and Gurbani whenever, wherever on world-class radio stations. Listen to the greatest music online while listening to your favourite Gurbani radio stations live. With the app’s nearby Gurudwara discovery feature, you can now get all of the Gurbani’s in one spot.

  • Sikhs would find this app incredibly handy in their daily lives because it contains all of the Nitnem Bani in one spot.
  • The Bani can be converted into English, Hindi, or Gurmukhi.

Sundar Gutka

Sundar Gutka

Sundar Gutka is a writer who lives in India. Khalsa Gurbani App The daily and extended Sikh prayers, including Nitnem, are found in Sundar Gutka. Gurbani is a collection of Sikh prayers authored by the ten Sikh Gurus.

  • Bani length can be chosen (effects Aarti, Rehras, Chaupai and Kirtan Sohila)
  • In the app, you can turn on aeroplane mode (only in Android up to version 4.2)
  • Option to stay awake in the app
  • Tablets and smartphones are supported.

iSearch Gurbani

iSearch Gurbani

Search Gurbani (iSG) is a cross-platform programme that makes searching and exploring Gurbani a breeze. The Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Bhai Gurdas Vaaran, Kabit Bhai Gurdas, Bhai Nand Lal Baani, and Baani’s from Sri Dasam Granth Sahib are all included in it. The slideshow/projector feature in search Gurbani (ESG) automatically shows text to an additional monitor or projector screen configured as an expanded monitor.

  • A new rapid search algorithm for shabads is now available.
  • Lareevar Gurmukhi with Lareevar Assist.
  • Set Shabad Start: For a speedy presentation, set the Shabad line to Asthana.
  • Shortcuts on the Keyboard

Gurbaani Nirvaan App

Gurbaani Nirvaan App

For those who adore Gurbani, Gurbani Nirvaan is a humble attempt to give a Complete Gurbani Reference with full Gurbani Search and Bookmarks.

You can read the whole text of SGGS, Bhai Gurdas Ji, Dasam Granth, and a few select Baania, as well as move inside them by swiping left or right to change pages or go straight to a certain age. The app also remembers where you left off so you may pick up where you left off reading. The normal daily Baanis are included in a basic Nitnem Gutka. The search mechanism in this app is fantastic since you can search for Gurmukhi words/phrases using first letters in Gurmukhi or English.

  • Showcase Bani can be accessed by pressing the Fab Button on the home screen.
  • Settings for seeing the Gurmukhi / Hindi Home Screen Bani
  • Settings for seeing Gurmukhi, Hindi, and English Search Results

iGranth App

iGranth App

iGranth is a Gurbani Searcher software that allows you to look for SGGS, Bhai Gurdas Ji Varaan, and read Nitnem Banis and SGGS. A simple Nitnem Gutka with the fundamental daily Baanis is also included in this app. The best part about this programme is that it can also find Dasam Baani, Bhai Gurdas Ji’s Vaaraa, Bhai Nand Lal Ji, and other Amrit Kirtan creations (Bhai Gurdaas Singh, Rehitnamas, etc).

  • Zooming in on Shabad pages is possible.
  • You can disable page translations, favourites, the share tool, Nitnem Gutka, go to ang, Gurmukhi keyboard, and a variety of compositions.

Dhur ki bani

Dhur ki bani

Sikh Prayers, Gurbani, Shabad, Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji: DhurKiBani is the entire Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, complete with an English translation and Gurmukhi typeface. Gurbani Shabad, Guru’s ang, and Sikh Prayers can all be searched. The 7 daily Baania and Ardaas are included in this app, as well as a basic Nitnem Gutka. The best part is that everything is also written in English, so even if you can’t read Gurmukhi, you can still do path.

  • Font size can be changed, transliteration and translations may be toggled.
  • Bookmarks can be saved, and Nitnem Guttka’s Search by Ang can be used.



SikhiToTheMAX is a comprehensive and ground-breaking Gurbani search engine. Khalis Foundation manages the website and desktop versions, which may be found at www.sikhitothemax.org. SHARE Charity has launched the new SikhiToTheMAX mobile app, which allows you to search Gurbani in a variety of ways and access a variety of features not seen in other apps.

Gurbani searcher

Gurbani searcher

The Shabad search results can be saved as favourites and tagged. Organize your favourites, then export them for later use and import them as needed. Choose from a variety of typefaces from the drop-down menu. You can choose to display the Gurbani in Hindi and to enable or disable the English translation, among other things.

The app also offers “Live Kirtan” from several different online contents (channel) providers. This function necessitates the use of the internet. Anywhere, at any time, one can listen to divine kirtans via a hand-held device.

Shabad Gurbani app

Shabad Gurbani app

Listen to all Shabad Gurbani singers. Best Shabad Gurbani from Sikh guru, watch Gurbani kirtan songs collection. Persists most popular shabads devotional compilations and kirtans.



Gurbani app contains 18 bani’s audios. Easy to understand and user-friendly app works without lag.

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