10 Things We Should Learn From Sikhism

10 Things We Should Learn From Sikhism

Sikh is a term that signifies “disciple” or “learner.” Guru Nanak Dev Ji established the Sikh community in Northern India in the 15th century, and it is separate from Hindu and Muslim communities. Sikhism is a monotheistic religion that emphasizes males and female equality. Sikhs adhere to three essential principles: worshipping in God’s name, making a wage via legitimate means, and sharing the results of one’s labor with others. Sikhism condemns caste and class systems in favor of human service.

Sikh philosophy is built on the principles of oneness and compassion, which are both the goal and the journey. Sikhs strive to see the divine in everybody and everything they come into contact with, and this regular practice aids in cultivating and embodying the virtues of oneness and acceptance.

Sikhs believe that the Almighty is present throughout Existence and that everyone has the same holy capability. All societal inequities, including those based on class, caste, sexuality, and occupation, are challenged in the Sikh faith, which emphasizes the communal family hood of all people. Individuals who have experienced oneness and love in their own lives are compelled to seek oneness with the universe around them.

There are certain things that we should learn from Sikhism let’s have a glance at 10 things we should learn from Sikhism:

Help or Service

Serving is seen as a kind of meditation in Sikhism. If you visit any of the gurudwaras, you will notice that the wealthy are seen cleaning your soiled garments. Shoe halls, where shoes are placed, are lifted and cleaned by hand. And all of this unselfish service is a form of worship to Waheguru, the Ultimate Father.


When it comes to sacrifice, Sikhism has a plethora of instances, each of which serves as a nice example of devotion. Whether that was Shri Guru Arjun Dev Singh Ji, who perished on a frying skillet as a martyr, or Shri Guru Govind Singh Ji, who sacrificed his father, four kids, and mother for the sake of religion.


Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth of them, witnessed Mughal state authorities forcibly converting Hindu citizens. Even though this oppression was directed at a religious group to which he did not adhere and whose values he did not believe, Guru Tegh Bahadur stayed firm in his support for their freedom to freely practice religion, and the state retaliated by publicly murdering him.

Over the decades, religion has drawn spiritual guidance from these instances, demonstrating a dedication to justice in a variety of ways. Sikhs have a history of leading responses to political tyranny because they are encouraged to defend the helpless. As a result, the political class has consistently attacked Sikhs, a cycle that remains in modern-day India.


Sikhs always have a Kirpan on hand in case of the self-self-defenses saber is intended to safeguard themselves and the vulnerable, not to hurt others. Weapons education is completely understood.

Happy nature

Sikhism’s adherents are always giggling. Their faces always look to be laughing, no matter how much adversity comes their way. They are in a great mood. Although not every person has the ability to laugh at oneself, practically every ‘Sardarji’ possesses this trait.


Everyone, whether a devotee of any faith, a member of the higher caste or the lower caste, affluent or poor, must sit together and share the same prasad. A gurudwara langar is a place where all prejudices fade away and only humanity is visible. No one goes hungry here because the Gurudwara’s langar is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This practice must begin in our hallowed locations so everybody can eat.

Sikhs have no faith in superstitions

Sikhism forbids believers from believing in good or bad events, good or bad dates, good or bad figures. All days during the week and all numerals are equal in Sikhism; just no day or figure is superior to the other. Everyone must think like this to be progressive in life.

Women’s are equal

Back in time and in certain places even now people consider women less competent than men. Women are supposed to handle household work only but Sikh gurus opposed such beliefs and taught that everyone is equal. Everyone must learn this from Sikhism and treat everybody in the same way despite what gender they belong to.

God can be pleased in simple ways

Fasting, animal sacrifice, pilgrimages, self-torture, and other comparable practices are forbidden in Sikhism. Love is the only way to impress God and be one with Him. To get God’s love, one does not need to do any rituals or believe in superstitions. Nobody should slaughter animals for the sake of pleasing their God.

Sikhism’s food

Sikhism promotes a healthy lifestyle based on the consumption of only natural and basic foods. It is best to avoid overeating and eating harmful foods. The idea is to not harm anything or anyone and to live in harmony with each other by sharing. In the Guru Granth Sahib, slaughtering animals for the sake of taste is condemned.

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