Sikh Contributions to the Nation and Their Role in Indias Freedom Struggle

Sikh Contributions to the Nation and Their Role in Indias Freedom Struggle


Sikhs have always been a Indians minority, their roles are massive as compared to their population size. Beginning right from Independence to the present scenario, Sikhs had busily contributed to India.

They saved another religions

Nihang Sikhs supporting the Ram temple.

Guru Tegbahadur lost his life to cover the lives of Kashmiri pandits.

Guru Govind Singh ji lost its four sons to kept our motherland safe.


I would begin right from the contribution to Independence from the British empire clutches.

The total contribution of Sikhs in our nation struggled for freedom is reveal out:

Considering that the Sikhs were hardly 1.5 percent of the complete population of India at the time, their sacrifices were massive. Sardar Bhagat Singh who was also a Sikh was answerable for igniting a spirit of patriotism in the mindset of Indian people to liberate India from British militarism.

The number of patriots who received Life imprisonment for struggling for Indian independence, out of which 2147 were Sikhs. Also, INA (Indian National Army) which had played a bigger role in attaining Independence had 52000 recruits out of which 29000 were Sikhs.

So in conclusion, the contribution of Sikhs to India is praiseworthy and is immense. Like Sikhs, each community residing in India plays a significant role and is essential for the nation’s growth.

United we stand, Divided we fall.

• Humanitarian Aid

The concept of serving humanity is embodied in the Sikh scriptures and is pretty evident in numerous of the religious practices, For Example- Dasvandh (Giving 15% of the total income as the charity), Community kitchen Langar.

Several Lakhs are serving on a regular basis in numerous Gurudwaras irrespective of creed, orientation, sex, religion, caste, or any other basis. Golden Temple alone serves more than 60000 individuals on an average day and more than 200000 lakh people on notable occasions.

If we look at the humble beginnings of the Sikh faith, the foremost master Guru Nanak Dev made observing the narrow superstitious and minded nature of the individuals of the times and set out to rationally reason with the nations folk and also began inter-faith communication. The consecutive Sikh masters of Gurus organized the individuals, emphasizing on community wells, social equality, and community kitchen or langar and also created grammar systems and Gurmukhi letters for the common man to understand, write and read. The later 5 of the10 Gurus add on the political side to the Sikh faith and are resistant to the fascism of the Delhi Mughal rulers. The last two Gurus openly challenged the dictator emperor Aurangzeb to forcibly convert the Hindus especially Kashmiri Pandits into Islam. After control nectar to Guru Gobind Singh implanted in its Sikhs the Saint Soldier Spirit. 

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Coming to the British rule era in India, the Khalsa empire of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was the lasting supreme empire to fall into the British East India Company hands. The Anglo – Sikh Wars took a pretty heavy toll on the British Indian Army owing the Sikh Army to European training. The Sikh soldiers were located in Jerusalem, Malay Archipelago, and Africa. British individuals are pretty obligate and grateful to Sikhs for quite a long time. I understand that within this century we required their help twice and they did support us very well. As an outcome of the time’s support, we were today able to live with mobility, honour and independence. BBC had made an awesome video on the same.

During the freedom struggle of Indias against the British coupling 90% of all the freedom fighters who died or were sent to Andaman Islands for life imprisonments were Sikhs , despite the fact that they formed just 3% of India’s population. After independence, Sikhism had proved to be the most industrious in modern India and boasting the high per capita GDP attribution to some ethnicity in the country. Sikhs also formed a huge huge chunk of the Indian army.

Not just this, they have been excellent in the professions in adopted nations as well.

The Sikhs are top-most India patriots.

From the very start they have been sacrificing for and contributing to India’s progress.

No other community of India could stand close to their contribution towards the country.

Ram Singh of the Kuka movement-credit as being the best Indian to utilize boycott and non-cooperation of British merchandise and services as the political weapon.

Considering that the Sikhs were roughly 1.5 percent of the total population of the country at the time, their sacrifices amounted to 100 per cent. No wonder that Sardar Baldev Singh, a representative of the Akalis, was invited to greet the nations on the national network along with Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Mohammad Ali Jinnah when freedom came up.

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