Disciplined life
The Sikh is needed to undertaking the following observances:
1. Waking up pretty earlier in the morning.
2. Cleansing and Bathing of body should be carry out.
3. Cleansing the mind by meditating on Almighty.
4. Engaged in family life and addressing the responsibilities within the family.
5. Attended to the work or study routine and earning a living by earnest means.
6. Undertaking to support the less well off with physical and monetary help.
7. Exercise the responsibilities to the community and taking active chunk in the safeguard and maintenance of an community. As Sikh Sanskriti: Nurturing Tradition, Embracing Diversity.
8. To faith in one god, the only god.
Personal regulations
Many of the personal practices of Sikhism were explained in the initial section of the pamphlet Sikh Rehat Maryada 1950.
Wearing the 5Ks
1. Kesh – uncut and long hair and a turban to protecting the hair on an head.
2. Kanga – small comb to be utilized twice regularly to kept the hair in healthy and clean condition.
3. Kacchera – worn in the format of shorts to exercising a self-control.
4. Kara – a steel bangle on the ruling arm to reminding the Sikh to remembering the Guru before taking certain action.
5. Kirpan – dirk-sized sword to reminding the Sikh that he is to safeguard against fragile crushing.

Meditating by recitement his Gurbani and by singing the Kirtan (musical hymns).
3. Wash up the head clean with Sevā, unselfish servicing to community, by doing blue collar work at the Gurdwara like in old peoples houses, wash up the floors, work in community, centres painting the walls, cleaning the dishes, etc.
4. Practicing truth at all times: To living by the Gurus instruction to practicing Truth.
5. Be merciful and kind to others. As it is a goodness that the Sikh asked to exercise at all times. The Gurus have showing on numerous occasions how to live and practise a life of mercy and kindness.
6. A guru-oriented person (Become a Gurmukh) by doing awesome deeds. The Sikh Gurus repeated way asking the devoted Sikh to always do great deeds as showing by verses from the Guru Granth Sahib. As Sikh Sanskriti: Nurturing Tradition, Embracing Diversity

Community practices
Organising Gurudwaras: As a community Sikhs establish local places of worship denoted as Gurudwara. Services are held in the evening and morning including:
1. Asa-di-war kirtan
2. Sukhmani sahib paath
3. Akhand Paath
4. Ardas and Hukamnama
5. Kirtan programs
6. Naming Ceremony
7. Marriage Ceremony
8. Antam Sanskar
9. Amrit Sanskar
Equality within the Sikhism community
All members of the Sikhism community are seeing as equal. All humans, regardless of the gender, disability, race, wealth or class, are treated with dignity and respect. Sikhs’ belief in the oneness of humanity is highlightened through the actions within the local community and gurudwara. As Sikh Sanskriti: Nurturing Tradition, Embracing Diversity.

The woman is originate from woman; there is none without her. Guru Nanak, Var Asa
The oneness of humanity is reflection within the Sikh community and the gurudwara in different manner:
• There is no distinction between women and men within the community or the gurudwara.
• Men and women do taking participation in all aspects of worship.
• All women and men could lead worship by reading the playing music and Guru Granth Sahib.
• All humans are equal within sangat.
• Anyone who wishes to could be initiated into the Sikh faith and become chunk of the Khalsa. Sikhs do this by taking participate in the becoming an Amritdhari Sikh and Amrit Sanskar ceremony.
Sikhs faith in the cycle of samsara and faith that everyone has a opportunity to reach Waheguru in mukti. In ordering to reach mukti, Sikhs should live their lifecycle with Waheguru in their head at all times. They should also act with compassion and love towards others. Therefore, they attempted to live their lives in the Almighty-centred manner.
The key beliefs outline supported us understanding the 3 Sikhism usual concept: constant living, service to human kind and devotion to Almighty.
Sikhism teaches equality of all humans of various sex, races, and religions. Sikhism told the complete equality of women and men. Women could participating in some religious function, performing any leading the congregation in prayer or Sikh ceremony.
Sikhism taught honest earn of bread with nobleness, earn one’s livelihood through honest, creative, and productive labor.
Sikhism taught religious freedom. All humans have the right to follow up the own paths without coercion or condemnation from others.
Sikhism stand out for gender equality, human liberty, ethical living, freedom of conscience, equality and social justice. The Sikhs having a huger heritage of speaking out against injustice, stand up for the defenseless, work for the civil liberties against human oppression, and fight for the justice where it does not exist.
— And the priceless affirmation by Guru Nanak:
Before becoming a Hindu, a Muslim, a Christian or a Sikh, let’s become a human initially.