What Five Daily Prayers are required in Sikhism?

What Five Daily Prayers are required in Sikhism?

Guru Nanak founded the Sikh religion in the 15th century, which means “disciple.” Nit-Nem Sikh, which means “Daily Discipline,” is a compilation of a few Sikh hymns that ought to be sung by Sikhs at specified times all through the day. This collection frequently includes the Gurbani, a compilation of Sikh Gurus’ as well as other philosophers’ writings that are read every day in the morning, evening, and night. Sikhism’s everyday prayers are known as Nitnem Banis. Panj Bania is a set of five obligatory daily prayers. Amrit Banis are the chants recited during the Sikh initiation process.

Sikhs chant or repeat Nitnem, a collection of hymns put together in a Gutka prayer book, as everyday acts of worship. Nitnem early chants are said first thing in the morning, evening prayers are said at sunset, and nighttime prayers are said to the last thing before going to sleep.

Every Sikh is required by the Sikhism standards of ethics to read or say the five Nitnem prayers and Bania (banis) daily. Sikhs who have been initiated as Amritdhari Sikhs are required to conduct Nitnem daily. When one is not able to read or repeat prayers for just about any situation, one can listen to everyday prayer sessions that are read, repeated, or perhaps even hummed loudly by another person, whether live or prerecorded. Nitnem devotionals can be performed alone or in a group setting. Nitnem prayer booklets, Videotape records, cassette tapes, and Discs are accessible in authentic Gurmukhi, Romanized English, and English translation for your ease.

Panj Bania

Panj Bania describes a set of five hymns that Sikhs must-read daily basis. Panj is a Punjabi word that means “five” and is widely used among Sikhs of all different ethnicities all over the globe. Bania is the plural form of bani, which means “word” or “sacred writings” in Punjabi.

Each Sikh worship is incomplete without daily prayers. Nitnem is the name given to the five banis. Sikh texts inscribed in the Gurmukhi script inspired Panj Bania. Individual Sikh worship is incomplete without daily prayers. Every Sikh should read Panj Bania every day, according to the Sikhism standards of ethics.

Five prayers to be practiced by Sikhs:-

Morning Prayers 

Guru Nanak Dev penned the first hymn, Japji Sahib, which is also the introductory melody of Guru Granth Sahib and contains 40 verses, comprising Mool Mantar.

The second pray, Jap Sahib, is a Dasm Granth composed by Guru Gobind Singh.

The third prayer, Tav Prasaad Swaye, is a piece by Guru Gobind Singh from Akal Ustat. This morning prayer is to be done after showering and before morning meditation.

Evening Prayers

The performance will take place at sunset.


The fourth worship of the day comprises holy literature from many writers, including nine creations by Guru Nanak, Guru Raam Das, and Guru Arjun Dev that follow Japji Sahib in the Guru Granth, beginning with “Sodar” and finishing with “Saran pare ki rakho sarma.”

Guru Amar Daas penned the first five phrases and the 40th concluding verse of Guru Gobind Singh’s Benti Chaupai Anand Sahib.

Nighttime Prayers 

Before going to bed, this should be done last.

Kirtan Sohila – The fifth prayer of the day, which incorporates five pieces by Guru Nanak Dev, Guru Raam Das, and Fifth Guru Arjun Dev from the Guru Granth Sahib.

Guru Granth Sahib 

The scriptural interpretation and immortal Guru of the Sikhs, Guru Granth Sahib, is a compilation of Raag compositions penned by Sikh gurus, minstrels, and rogues. To obtain awakening, this scripture guides how to conquer the ego and realize the eternal.

Reading a random text, or Hukam determines the Guru’s commandment. Hukam is a Punjabi term derived from the Arabic word hukm, which means “command” or “divine order.” The term refers to the goal of achieving inner peace through becoming in tune with God’s will.

Every Sikh is required to read the entire Guru Granth Sahib scripture. The Akhand Path, a traditional practice of continuous reciting of holy religious texts, is the name given to this uninterrupted reading. There are no breaks in this practice, and it can be done alone or in a group.

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