Why Do So Many Punjabis Travel to Canada Instead of Attending College?

Why Do So Many Punjabis Travel to Canada Instead of Attending College?

Canada is sometimes signify as ‘mini India’ and why must not it be? It is well known that a huge number of Indians have been living in Canada for years and they have actually created a good sense of group in the nation. In 2015, PM Treadeau remarking that he had more Sikhs in the cabinet than Indian PM Modi. He has also been seen celebrating Indian festivals, doing the Bhangra, and preparing meals in gurdwaras.

Why does he felt the requirement to do this? Because Indians make up a important percentage of the Canadian residents and he wants to admit them in order to bring about an economic progress that is all-in and reflecting the diversity of his nation. free medical services, Clean roads, and awesome facilities paint an attractive image of the nation in the eyes of many.

This has tempted Punjabis to Canada for numerous years. I have many buds who found a well-paying job there and have settlement in Canada after graduation. I felt really awesome on seeing them enjoying themselves in Instagram pictures. However, while Canada might seem like a good place to go to, the reality of the situation might be pretty dissimilar. During my call on to Punjab last month, I met several school teachers from private institutions, as well as government. I was shock to hear what they had to said.

One faculty literate me that few of her students have gone for Canada. But then he added that three of them have got jobs in mini areas. The third one, who belongs from a well-to-do family, became a cabbage farmer. Another one had become a taxi driver. And the remaining two were still tried hard to find out jobs.

Now I do not consider any job as lesser significant but I feel bad on hearing this. These children’s, instead of opt for further studies, had passed out of there school term and gone to Canada only to be employed in jobs needed lesser skills.

What is really rough is the fact that without good educational qualifications, these students will never be able to get good jobs. Remaining stuck in such jobs would signify a inferior life quality as per the Canada Living Index.

It must be noted that these kids belong to family people who are financial way well-off. Their parents could easily way afford them high education. I wonder then what the rationale was behind send their childrens away to Canada.

Another Faculty explained to me the basis behind this.

Ideally, parents expected their student kids to applying for medical or engineering colleges after pass out from school. To get admit in those colleges, students want to pass out from good schools with awesome grades. Good grades need invested out in coaching institutes. The whole procedure costs parents about ₹ 10 lakh a year.

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Moreover, these biggie colleges do not actually even guarantee a job but still charge great fees. So instead of spending around ₹20-25 lakh behind the higher education, they invested the similar amount in sending their childrens to Canada. After all, within 6 months, they are able to find out a job there and begin earning money. If one kid from the family is able to settleled in, family start sending other kids too.

But what about living conditions for these students in the foreign land? Numeorus of them have to stay in tiny rooms and working minimum wage jobs just to be able to saving money.

A large number of well-educated Indians have gained good family environment too in Canada. I actually appreciated this and wishing other kids too thought of their education before grab any job that came their pathway. For every well-educated Indian in Canada, there is also the Indian employed in the lesser wage job.

Such childrens and their parents want good career guidance so that they might be inspired to do well for themselves anywhere in the nation. I am not against Indians settling abroad for good job opportunities but this must not come at the education expense.

Bottom line

Here in this gurudwara Punjabis leave thousands of small craft planes, with only one prayer on their lips- Waheguru ji, Please helping me to go to Canada.

Along with the prayers, kids leave a craft plane within the gurudwara premisis with belief in head that Almighty will help them to go abroad. At the end of day, lakhs of craft planes, self controlled by the gurudwara are giving away as prasad to the young students who come with their family people in the temple.

Though unemployment is the reasoning why Punjabis go to Canada. The students who studied quite hard in Punjab zone when do not get good office options they preferred to go to well settled place like canada where there is good future for their good hard work condition as compared to nation like our country.

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