Gurū Nānak (Punjabi pronoun: [gʊɾuː naːnəkᵊ], pronunciation; born Nānak on 15 April 1469 – 22 September 1539), also known as Bābā Nānak (‘father Nānak’), [1]
Category: Sikh Gurus

Kauda was a member of the Bheel tribe, which had been pushed from the fruitful territory into forests and desolate areas, where they were known to

Har Rai was a child with a high level of sensitivity. According to legend, he sobbed since he had injured a rose bush by brushing

He was the eighth of the Ten humans set up Gurus of Sikhism. Har Krishan Ji was a son of the seventh Guru, Mata Krishan Kaur and Guru

5 Ks from the creation of Khalsa Panth by Guru Gobind Singh in 1699. Guru introduced them for several reasons: Accepting these common symbols will

Martyrdom is a basic institution of the Sikh god faith. When one calls a human a shahid, this suggest more than its definition in Islamic faith

In the Khalsa society, the turban signify numerous virtues:- Equality The Sikhs community is an egalitarian one, and free of sexual orientation, nationality, race, religion

Guru Gobind Singh ([gʊɾuː goːbɪn̯d̯ᵊ sɪ́ŋgᵊ]; from 22 December 1666 – to 7 October 1708), born Gobind Rai, was the tenth Sikh Guru, a spiritual

Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born in Talwandi zone of Pakistan. Guru Nanak Dev Ji parents were Khatri Hindus. So the nationality was not of

Below are the popular teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, which I have been brought up with. As any of the family traditions, older narrative tell