NO. Sikh is the separate religion. Sikh are rather pretty differ from Hinduism faith.
1. Sikh faith in One Formless GOD.
2. An only Master is Guru Granth Sahib
3. All prayers be directed to Almighty and your master.
4. Considering All humans as equally developed. No Jatti Pratha.
5. No consideration is connected for No Havan, Avatars, Devatas and Devi, No vrats,. No Upaye, No Kundli, bad mahurat /No Good.
This is a fact that Sikhs are differ from somehow any religion. No doubt Guru Nank were born in Hindu family, but we should not forgetting that Guri Nanak denied to wear Janeu, which is a must for all the men of his caste (Bedi). If he needed to remained as Hindu, he would have not refusing to wear out Janeu. He would have not advising against Aarti in Puri’s Temple. He would having asking His deciples to look for shubh Mahurat etc and follow fasts.
Moreover this has been confirming in Gurbani by fifth Guru, Guru Arjan Dev Ji, when he had written the Shabad, “Na Hum Hindu Na Muslmaan, at page 1136, which was enter up it in Guru Granth Sahib, in Rag Bheraun.
There are a number of such words in Gurbani, which clarified that Sikhs are not Muslims or hindu. In case I began giving all the examples, this might taking hours. Already in the last notes, a number of problems have already be discussed. But yes one thing I should mention that Sikhs are always in favour of helping hand and Truth to those, who are sufferers, irrespective of the sex, religion,and caste creed of other person. A true Sikh would not at all hesitating to support the sufferer, would sharing food with others, taking care of the poor & would neither be scared of others nor let others be scared of him. A Sikh is only scared of Almighty Lord, who got developed by Himself, had not coming out to earth, (I mean has never took birth), usually denoted by Sikhs as Waheguru.

I am a Sikh by birth and eligible to answer the Question. So, I would not telling about others or Sikhs as a complete stuff but would loving to tell about my own Beliefs.
Yes, I pray to all Almighty Lord. Bhrama Vishnu, Ganesh Ji, Maa Lakshmi, Hanumaan Ji, Maa Saraswati ,Shiv Ji,. Whenever I passed out by /Temple/Church I usually bow my head down with joint hands to remember and respect the One.
I don’t think it’s wrong to me, Indra and ganesha is like my Friend only… So, I hope it make up sense for this question.
As the student of Guru nanak dev ji, the usual way of sikh is the student. So everyone who is a student of this dev ji at that timeline were denoted as Sikhs and they probably be Hindus, Muslims or some other may be.

Let’s set the record straight, Sikhism has progress out of Hinduism and it’s roots are quite deep way embedded in Indian spiritual culture of which even Jainism and Buddhism are an significant chunk. Today we Sikhs having a separate identity and Sikhism is the separate religion but denyi the roots and similarity would be unpardonable as it would amount to good distortion of the facts. That is true Sikhism rejecting idol worshipping that makes many individuals thinking of this phenomena as something such as influence by Islam which is not, similar goes for casteism.
As per Sikhism, When there were very some Sikhs in the globe, numerous Hindus gave their eldest son to become a Sikh so they can form an strength and army. Thinking about what this meant for the Hindu family, their eldest son, who in the future would provide and looked after their elder parents, bring in money etc gave away, this was the pretty bigger sacrifice. Hence Sikhs were from Hindu punjabi timezone. They are the similar gene pool of humans and look alike (obvious way apart from the turban), though numerous Hindus do wear turbans in India.
Sikhism accepts:-
• Everyone to come and even praticipated and prayed inside a Gurudwara (Sikh Temple) and never prohibited the entry of Non-Sikh. In Mosques non-muslims are not allowed to worship or enter.
• The theory of liberation from repeated rounds of births, a concept which is alien in Abrahamic lineage of faiths familier and chunk-parcel of Indian spiritual traditions.
• The three Gunas (Tam, Raj, Sat) significant philosophical principle of Hindu Darshans that playing necessary role in Sikhism as one explore repeating mention of it in Guru Granth Sahib while in Islam there is none.
Sikhism totally Rejects:
• That Prophet Muhhammed was the final one, it rather given credibility to the view found in Bhagavad Gita that whenever sins increases on earth Almighty incarnates
• That Quran is the last and the final word of Lord, a chunk of the very key belief of Islamic culture